Thursday, April 12, 2012

Text in a shape

I was scrapping and even designing for years before I learned this nifty trick!  It's so easy and makes it very fun to put your text in the shape of a circle or star or whatever might go with your layout.

First we're going to pull up a layout that needs some journaling. I'm going to use the amazing freebie that Evie made for us. I've placed my photo and now I want to journal.  I'm going to do it in a half circle shape like this:

So my next step is going to be to right click on the half circle in the layer palette and choose "select pixels".  This will put the marching ants around my half circle.  This is the start to creating the path for my journaling.

Add a layer by clicking the little box at the bottom of the layer palette that looks like a little paper with a folded corner.  Now you are going to look up on your layer palette and see where it says layers?  And next to it is channels and the last option is Paths?  You are going to click on it and it will change the look of your layers palette.  Next you are going to click on the icon at the bottom (follow the arrow in the pic below) and click on it. 

You'll notice that it changes the marching ant to a line around that section.  It is now ready for you to type your text within that area.

Here it is with the final result. You can play around with the size and if you want it centered or flush right or left.

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